

Sabado, Oktubre 10, 2015

NBA 2K16 Roster Update 10-10-2015

small update again.

size doesn't change

openload link : Download Here

password : symbianize

12 komento:

  1. Mga Tugon
    1. we dont know yet cause 2k doesnt release changelog on roster update for now. maybe when regular season start every roster update will have changelog just like last year.

  2. Hey, mate! It's necessary all the roster updates that you've been posted, or just the last one?

  3. I have the same question as leandro, I've did all the title updates but only installed the 10/8 update, the 10/9 update was corrupt several times I downloaded it

  4. keep it up. non legit nba 2k16 users need you. i downloaded the oct 9 update and was expecting iman shumpert is injured but he is not. Thanks still.
